
Manuscript Preparation Guidelines

New manuscripts should be submitted through the online portal accessible via the "Submit Manuscript" link on the journal website. Manuscripts should be submitted through the online portal at:

Only manuscripts written in English and Turkish language will be considered for publication. Authors may use British or American English provided they are consistent throughout the manuscript. Submissions must be relevant to the journal’s scope and prepared in compliance with its Publication Ethicsrecommendations of ICMJE (International Committee of Medical Journal Editors), and COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics) guidelines. All authors agree to the submission and share full responsibility for all content presented in the manuscripts, including opinions, results, images, discussions, and conclusions. The article should be original work by authors, not be published before or currently being evaluated for publication in another journal. 

All co-author information must be entered on the submission portal at the time of submission. Any request to change authorship (such as adding/deleting authors or modifying order of authors) during revisions must be well justified, and they are subject to editorial approval. No change in authorship is allowed after the manuscript is accepted for publication.

Manuscript Preparation

Manuscripts should be prepared using a word processing software, such as Microsoft Word, and saved as one of the following acceptable file formats: .docx, .doc, or .rtf. Authors are encouraged to use the following layout options: A4 size, normal margins, portrait orientation, single columns, 1.5 line spacing, justified text alignment with 11-pt or 12-pt sized common fonts, such as Calibri or Times New Roman. First-, second-, and third-order headings should be clearly distinguishable.

Although there is no limit on the length of the research articles, authors are recommended to keep the main text of the body below 10,000 words. Review articles should integrate current knowledge with a novel methodology or present important suggestions to shape the area of study, rather than merely summarizing existing literature.

Authors should provide three separate documents during submission: title page, disclosure of interest form, and blinded text. 

Title page: This document provides the names and institutions of the authors as well as the corresponding author’s contact information. Additional declarations such as contributions of each author, potential competing interests, acknowledgements of people, and funding should be provided in this document. Title page should not contain any abbreviations. If the work is derived from a thesis or preliminary versions were previously presented in a scientific meeting, details should be included in this document. 

Disclosure of interest form: To avoid ambiguity and standardize disclosures, authors should declare on an accompanying ICMJE Form for Disclosure of Potential Conflicts of Interest whether or not such competing interests exist.

Blinded text: This document constitutes the main body of the text. In accordance with the double-blind peer-review rules adopted by the journal, it should not contain information that may disclose the authors’ credentials, including their names, institutions, contact information, and references to their own works. Grammar and punctuation standards should be followed when preparing the content. Authors should try not to use abbreviations, and if unavoidable, they should be cited in parentheses the first time they are used. References, figures and tables should be numbered sequentially in the text. International system of units should be followed in the representation of all units in the text. Appendices and supplementary materials should be placed after the references.

Blinded text should include the following sections:

  • Title and Running head: The manuscript should include a title of no more than 15 words which presenting a brief description of the work. Title should not include any abbreviations or acronyms.
  • Abstract and keywords: In this section, the work should be summarized in a clear and concise manner. The abstract should be no more than 250 words long and should not include any undefined abbreviations or references. Authors should provide three to six keywords.In selecting key words, authors should refer to the Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) list of the Index Medicus.
  • Contribution to the literature: In three or four sentences, authors should summarize how the article contributes to the current literature. Authors can highlight the uniqueness and importance of their work in terms of research topics, its methodologies, and/or outcomes. This part is intended for readers to easily compare the article with earlier works, and to understand how this article enhances the scholarship in the subject.
  • Structured text: Authors are recommended to structure their manuscript as follows: Introduction should introduce readers to some background information required to understand the rest of the article, and clearly define the purpose of the research. Materials and Methods should describe how the research was carried out, and provide information such as the study’s design, timeline, context, participant profiles, and interventions. Results should present the data collected and statistical analysis performed during the study. Discussions should explain the significance of the results by comparing them with those of earlier studies. Conclusions should state main conclusions, limitations of the study, and possible future studies.
  • References: Vancouver-NIH method formatting and style guidelines should be followed in references. Unique Digital Object Identified (DOI) numbers, PMids, and PMCids should be included whenever possible. More information on references and citations will be provided below.

References and Citations

New writing standards effective from December 2024 issue:

Vancouver-NIH style should be used as the referencing style. Authors should maintain consistency across the references. 

  • Each citation inside the text must be included in the list of references. Alternatively, each reference should be cited inside the text.  
  • References should be numbered sequentially within square brackets, such as [1], [2], [3], and so on, in the order in which they are mentioned in the text. 
  • Full references should be included at the end of the manuscript with matching numbers. 
  • Up to 6 authors should be listed, and et al. should be used afterwards.
  • If there are multiple references, comma should be used to separate each number, and hyphen should be used to indicate a series of inclusive numbers (e.g., [1, 2, 4], [1-4]).
  • Journal titles should be abbreviated according to NLM Title Abbreviation or List of Title Word Abbreviations (LTWA).
  • A paper published online but not (yet) in print can be cited using the Digital Object Identifier (DOI).

The following are some examples: 

Journal articles

1. Alam F, Abidi SH, Farooqi N, Jehan F, Rehman R. Oxidative stress and metformin: An in-vitro study on serum and primary human granulosa cell cultures. Electron J Gen Med. 2022;19(4):em381.

2. Tovani-Palone MR, Garoli F, Shah PA, Kamal MA, Nawaz FA. Underreporting of cases during the COVID-19 pandemic: A worrying warning for Africa. J Contemp Stud Epidemiol Public Health. 2022;3(1):ep22001. 

3. Gondauri D, Mikautadze E, Batiashvili M. Research on COVID-19 virus spreading statistics based on the examples of the cases from different countries. Electron J Gen Med. 2020;17(4):em209.

4. Cioni G, Zuccotti M, Daviddi F, Buffini G. Headache and atypical presentation of motor disorders in a paraneoplastic myasthenic syndrome secondary to thymoma: A case report. J Clin Exp Invest. 2022;13(2):em00794. 

5. Prapty CNBS, Reshad RAI, Mim SK, Araf Y, Miah MF. COVID-19 second bloom and comfortable lockdown in Bangladesh. Electron J Med Ed Te. 2022;15(2):em2203.


6. Field AP. Discovering statistics using SPSS: (and sex, drugs and rock 'n' roll). 3rd ed. Los Angeles: SAGE Publications; 2009.

7. Hatch DJ, Sumner E, Hellman J. The Surgical Neonate: Anaesthesia and Intensive Care, 3rd edn. London: Edward Arnold; 1994.

Chapter in book

8. Griffiths M. Internet addiction: does it really exist? In: Gackenbach J, editor. Psychology and the Internet: intrapersonal, interpersonal, and transpersonal implications. San Diego, California: Academic Press; 1998. p. 61-75.

9. Motoyama EK. Respiratory physiology in infants and children. In: Motoyama EK, Davis PJ, editors. Smith’s anesthesia for infants and children, 5th edn. St. Louis: C.V. Mosby; 1990. P. 11-76.

Tables and Figures

Tables should be self-descriptive and easily understandable. The information in the table should present new information and should not merely a repetition of the text. Tables should include clear and concise captions placed above the table. They should be provided as editable raw data and not as images. Authors should ensure that the tables fit on a single page. If too large, data should be split across multiple datasets. 

Figures are visual representations of information, such as photos, maps, charts, drawings, or graphs. Figure captions should be placed below the figure. Original digital files in a major file format (e.g., jpeg, tiff, png, and bmp) for each figure must be supplied separately through the submission portal. They must be of high quality and resolution (300 dpi or better). Lowercase letters (a, b, etc.) should be used to denote multi-part figures. Figure sizes can be adjusted during the production stage to fit inside the journal’s columns.

Tables and figures should be numbered in order of appearance, have their positions clearly marked within square brackets (e.g., [Table 1], [Table 2], [Table 3], [Figure 1], [Figure 2]), and be provided on separate sheets after the References in the main text.

Final Checking

Authors should take the following points into consideration before submission:

  • The readers should be able to comprehend and assess main aspects of your research study with ease.
  • Ideas are presented in a clear, concise, and complete manner.
  • Manuscript is free from any repetitions, irrelevant information, or unjustified generalizations. 
  • Theoretical framework is explicitly stated.
  • All claims are backed up with evidence and references.
  • Research problems’ position and significance in existing literature is emphasized.
  • Chosen methodology is suitable for the problem.
  • Study’s findings are well presented with sufficient discussions and comparisons to existing literature.
  • Objective and convincing measures exist to support the validity and reliability of the methodology and results.
  • Relevant literature is properly cited.
  • All authors are entered into the submission portal at the time of submission.

Manuscript submission

Manuscripts should be submitted through the online portal at: In case of technical difficulties when submitting their works, authors should contact:


No fee for submission and publication of papers in 2024.