Journal Details


TURKISH JOURNAL OF HEALTH AND SPORT (TJHS) is open access periodical and publishes in accordance with independent, unbiased, double blind peer review principles. Our journal is published three times a year. The e-ISSN number of TJHS is 2757-5446. TJHS is indexed by international indexes:

  • ResearchBib Academic Resource Index
  • Crossref
  • The Digital Object Identifier (DOI)
  • ROAD (The Directory of Open Access Scholarly Resources)
  • ISSN (International Standard Serial Number)
  • ICI World of Journals
  • Etc.
  • All articles published in TJHS can be shared free of charge, in full text, on the following sites, unless for commercial purposes:
  • Brainly
  • ResearchGate
  • Etc.

TJHS has the status of an international indexed journal. This journal was established to publish all kinds of scientific texts, especially review, case reports, meta-analysis, original research, book and thesis presentation, method articles.

TJHS has been published since 2020. Our ever-developing journal has successfully entered its fifth year of publication.

The ISSN number of our journal has been given by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Turkey. 

2yr mean citedness: 0,24. H-index: 1 by OPENALEX. Our journal is published in April, August and December.
The articles in our journal are classified according to their types
(research article, case report, review, etc.) and are indicated on the table of contents and on the first page of the article.
The authors undertake that the similarity rate of the article they submitted is less than 15%.
If asked, the authors have to declare the report containing the similarity rate.
On the title page;
Institutions, contact information and internationally valid “ORCID” information of all authors should be included.
For research in all branches of science that requires ethics committee approval
(ethics committee approval should be obtained, this approval should be stated and documented in the article.

English and Turkish language title, running title, abstracts, keywords and authors’ affiliations for all articles is a mandatory requirement.

The authors have all the following aspects and responsibilities:
- Any fees or charges that are required for manuscript processing and/or publishing materials in the journal are clearly stated in a place before authors begin preparing their manuscript for submission
- All authors have significantly contributed to the research
- All authors are obliged to provide retractions or corrections of mistakes, in case of detection
- List of references should be provided by authors
- Information on financial support should be provided by authors
- Forbidden to publish same research in more than one journal.

TJHS has adopted open access policy. Open Access Policy is based on rules of Budapest Open Access Initiative (BOAI). According to BOAI, Open Access states, “Scientific articles that have been evaluated by the referee, via the Internet; be freely accessible, readable, downloadable, copied, distributed, printed, scanned, linked to full texts, indexed, transmitted as data and used for any legal purpose, without financial, legal and technical barriers.
In terms of aim and scope; Medicine, Sports, Health Sciences, Exercise and all its sub-disciplines, all multidisciplinary research related to health and sports, Physical activity of persons with special needs and Nutrition are included in this journal.

Our journal is a general health and sports journal. Our journal was established in order to publish all kinds of scientific articles related to health, medicine, sports, exercise and related fields such as nutrition, laboratory research, research on individuals with disabilities, which can be pioneers in science.

All scientists who have research, knowledge and experience in these fields can apply for publication in our journal. In the continuation of the application process, at the end of the double-blind referee process, the article is accepted with the consent of at least two referees. The journal does not accept articles that fall outside of its purpose and scope.

Planning for electronic backup: This journal has a plan for electronic backup and preservation of access to the journal content in the event a journal is no longer published (access to archive). The journal has a specially protected hard disk archive and its own website archive. It is also backed up by various indexes.

Type of record: Confirmed by ISSN Portal. Last modification date: 07/12/2021. ISSN Center responsible of the record: ISSN National Centre for Türkiye.

Evaluation: All articles will be subject to double blind evaluation. Editor's evaluation will be made upon the positive opinion of at least two reviewers.

Publication: It will be published as three issues per year and quarterly. Additional, special or combined issues can be published if needed. At the beginning, papers written in Turkish and English languages are accepted.

© Copyright & licensing; License(s) permitted by the journal; CC-BY-NC-ND. For all the licenses we have indicated above, authors retain the copyright and full publishing rights without restrictions.

Charge: No charge fees for publishing an article (APCs). This journal have a policy allowing authors to deposit versions of their work in an institutional or other repository of their choice. 

  • There is no subscription fees or pay-per-view fees for this journal.

Editorial Policy And Ethic Rules:

TJHS promises to folow highest editorial and ethical standards defined by "World Association of Medical Editors (WAME) Board of Directors". TJHS follows the ethics flowcharts developed by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) for dealing with cases of possible scientific misconduct and breach of publication ethics.

The manuscripts should be prepared in accordance with ICMJE-Recommendations for the Conduct, Reporting, Editing and Publication of Scholarly Work in Medical Journals ( ). Authors are required to prepare manuscripts in accordance with CONSORT guidelines for randomized research studies, STROBE guidelines for observational original research studies, STARD guidelines for studies on diagnostic accuracy, PRISMA guidelines for systematic reviews, MOOSE guidelines for meta analyses of observational studies, ARRIVE guidelines for experimental animal studies and TREND guidelines for non-randomized public behavior.
TJHS acknowledges to comply with the ethical standards of the Declaration of Helsinki ( . Therefore, ethics board approval should be obtained and indicated in the Material and Method section in all studies performed on humans. Patients and volunteers included in the study should be informed regarding procedures to be conducted, their approvals should be obtained, and this should be indicated in the article’s Material and Method section. In animal studies, it should be indicated in the article’s Material and Method section that the study was conducted according to the Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals ( ) and the ethics board approval was obtained from the relevant institution. If required, a copy of the ethics board approval may be requested by the editor from the authors.

The author(s) guarantee(s) that the manuscript will not be published elsewhere in any other language without the consent of the Association. If the manuscript has been presented at a meeting, this should be stated together with the name of the meeting, date, and the place.

An approval of ethic committee or an equivalent acceptance letter prepared by the officials of the institution in accordance with general ethics is mandatory for Original Research and even for some of the Case Reports. The concept and suggestions presented in the manuscript are the sole responsibility of the authors and do not reflect the opinions of Editor and his/her associates.

- Publishers and editors shall take reasonable steps to identify and prevent the publication of papers where research misconduct has occurred
- In no case shall a publisher or editors encourage such misconduct, or knowingly allow such misconduct to take place
- In the event that a journal’s publisher or editors are made aware of any allegation of research misconduct the publisher or editor shall deal with allegations appropriately
- The journal have guidelines for retracting or correcting articles when needed
- Publishers and editors should always be willing to publish corrections, clarifications, retractions and apologies when needed

Authorship: All individuals listed as “author” in the submitted manuscript must make an adequate contribution to the study, meet the criteria of authorship, and take responsibility for their part of the manuscript.

Publication Ethics And Plagiarism:

Publishing Board of TJHS complies with the criteria of the International Council of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE), the World Association of Medical Editors (WAME), and Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). About plagiarism, we act based on flow charts and workflows determined in COPE.

Ethics committee approval will be requested from the authors for all original research articles submitted. Submitted manuscript are checked for similarity or plagiarism.

Acceptable similarity rates: Up to 5% for one-to-one similarity, Maximum 15% for total similarity.

For the articles submitted by the authors; They undertake that the similarity index is 15% and below, that it is not sent to any other journal, and that the necessary legal and ethical permissions are obtained.

All authors are responsible for the content of the articles.

Founder and publisher: Dr. Hasan Basri Savas. 2020.

Print ISSN: 2757-5446. Online ISSN: E-2757-5446.

Email Address:

 Principal Contact Person

Name: Hasan Basri SAVAS / Editor in Chief. E mail: /

Contact Number GSM: +905337018763

E mail Address